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The curious case of Katlego – Lockdown

04 June 2019
From saving her diamonds, now Monde has to save her sister from church leader Masabata..
lockdown s4

Monde can never seem to catch a break! She is in jail for drug possessions of her late boyfriend’s stash and very little has gone well for her ever since then.

Her biggest battle was defending her diamonds from all kinds of dangerous local and international criminals. She has outsmarted them all, at times taking a bullet and escaping prison twice to finally have possession of her diamonds.

It seems she may have won a few battle, but a war still faces her – saving her sister from cult leader, Masabata.

Everyone is captivated by the persuasive cult leader. She has managed to convert Sue and even Monde. However, her greatest recruit has to be Monde’s sister, Katlego. Not only has Masabata managed to use Katlego to kill many men who take advantage of young women, but she managed to convince her to kill Masabata’s husband and confessed rapist.

Now, the challenge facing Monde is how to defend and save her sister Katlego from Masabata. Katlego is firmly under Masabata’s spell – she believes Masabata has saved her. Katlego’s loyalty to Masabata has been sealed with the blood of all the men they have killed, I will be difficult to pull them apart.

Monde will also have a hard time convincing her sister that she has her best interests at heart and not Masabata. The last time Monde and Katlego spoke, Monde said some harsh words to her, leaving Katlego with no one to turn to but Masabata.

So how can Monde take her Katlego back from Masabata’s clutches?

Tune into #LockdownMzansi every Monday at 20:00 to find out!