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FIVE reasons to watch Lockdown Season 5

09 April 2020
An award-winning show with an all-star cast, here’s all the reasons you’ll love staying home with this kind of Lockdown. Set in a women’s prison where power and survival mean everything, the tense and fast-paced drama will take you into the lives of the inmates as they battle demons that hold them prisoner in every sense of the word.
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1. You can watch all the seasons on Showmax

So maybe you’ve seen all the hype but have never watched an episode of Lockdown? Or maybe you have just missed a few? Or it’s so nice you’ve got to see it twice? You can catch every episode of Lockdown from the very first episode of season one on Showmax. Trust us, it is worth the hype.

You don’t want to live with the FOMO of missing these iconic moments:

Monde and Pauletta’s prison break

When MaZet got out of her wheelchair and put the fear of life in Tyson

When Maki Magwaza got her revenge and tortured Deborah Banda

2. A star-studded award-winning cast

What do actresses like Linda Sebezo, Nomsa Buthelezi, Lorcia Cooper, Dawn Thandeka King, Zola Nombona, Nthati Moshesh and Celeste Ntuli have in common?

They are all award-winning actresses who hold a Golden Horn Award from the South African Television and Film Awards (SAFTAs) for various roles they have played in their careers. They have also all starred in Mzansi Magic’s hit prison drama series, Lockdown.


Since the show aired its first season, it has boasted a stellar cast including the addition of award-winning actresses Pamela Nomvete and Tichina Arnold from the United States of America.

For this year’s 14th SAFTA’s, Lorcia Cooper, Dawn Thandeka King, Pamela Nomvete and Zola Nombona have all been nominated for a Golden Horn for their respective roles in Lockdown.

3. It’s an award-winning show

#LockdownMzansi doesn’t just top the Twitter trends and charts, but it is has received a number of awards, including SAFTAs for script writing, make-up and hairstyling, cinematography as well as art direction/production design.

This year, Lockdown boasts an incredible ten SAFTA’s nominations in multiple categories including for script writing, wardrobe and music/scoring among other nominations.  

4. You love the soundtrack

It’s not just the great script and the talented actresses that has gripped Mzansi, Lockdown’s original music is also a favourite. Did you know that there is a Lockdown album by Black Brain Pictures with all those tunes you love so much to accompany the epic visuals? With hit tracks like Mama ka Bafana sung by songbird Nelisiwe Sibiya and many more tunes you have loved from the show, the album is available on a number of platforms including Spotify.

5. Season 5 is the best!

Just when you thought your favourite show couldn’t get any better, in comes season five. The balance of power shifts in this new season and your favs are not going to like how life changes in the prison. Expect old wars to rise up again and new friends to turn into old enemies over new betrayals. It’s the drama, action and thrill you always get from Lockdown, just five times better!

Tune into Lockdown season 5 every Monday at 20:00 on Mzansi Magic DStv Channel 161. Watch the repeat every Sunday at 21:00 or go to Catch Up. You can also binge watch Lockdown on Showmax.