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The Throne
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The Throne


Farewell fair princess – The Throne

15 August 2019
The royal family struggles to come to terms with Kefilwe’s death.

Princess Kefilwe may have been headstrong, but she always had her family and village’s best interest at heart.

It’s no wonder that the villagers, and her family especially, are struggling to come to terms with her death.

Kefilwe will always be remembered for:

Her love for family

She may have fought with many of her family members, but she knew when it was time to rally up the troops and fight a common enemy, she was there in the forefront.   

Her devotion to the Kweneng village

Kefilwe has always been her mother’s “right-hand woman” and knew she was destined to be the next queen. So, she lived her life serving the village as best as she could.

Her eye for detail

Everything Kefilwe did, was done thoroughly. Take for instance, the coffee shop. She ran a clean ship, from stock taking to keeping clear records.

The family and village have really lost a gem in Kefilwe and Mosadi is the one who’s actually affected the most. Losing two daughters, both under mysterious circumstances can never be any one anyone.

The big question is: What’s going to happen when Sello and Odirile’s lies about the DNA results are exposed? Are Mosadi’s chances of getting back on The Throne diminished, now that she has no living successor, with both her daughters Kefilwe and Mosetsana dead?


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