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Mnakwethu Happily Ever After?

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3 Reasons Mbeje’s Father is Mzansi’s Fav – Mnakwethu Happily Ever After?

30 March 2022
Mbeje’s father made a brief appearance on Mnakwethu Happily Ever After Season 2 and fans couldn't get enough of him. We share why we love him.
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It has been weeks since viewers has last seen Mbeje and his family on screen, but on a weekly basis fans ask about Mbeje and they always say that they hope to see him and his father again on Mnakwethu Happily Ever After? Season 2.

Mbeje, who is one of the husbands on the reality TV show that focuses on several polygamous marriages in South Africa, asked his father for advice after his second wife wanted to leave him – she accused him of giving her a love potion.

During the episodes in which Mbeje’s father appeared, fans adored the elderly man and they took to social media about their adoration for him. When Mbeje’s father laughed on screen, Mzansi said that he had them roaring with laughter as well.

Here’s why Mbeje’s father is Mzansi’s ultimate favourite on the reality TV show:

His laughter is contagious

Without cracking a joke, Mbeje’s father is a funny guy – he tells things like it is and laughs crazily when something sounds absurd. Mbeje’s father has a laugh that makes anyone want to laugh.

He doesn’t beat around the bush

Mbeje’s father has a no-nonsense attitude – he’ll tell you straight: get to the point because he has to be somewhere else. Mbeje also told viewers that he cannot scam his father because he has a way of seeing right through him.

The advice he shares is objective

Mbeje first started telling his father that his second wife, MaVilakazi, wanted a Jojo tank. His father told him that it is unfair if he is buying a Jojo tank to only one of the two wives, especially if the first wife doesn’t get a Jojo tank first. Viewers deemed this advice as honourable.

Watch the reality show Mnakwethu Happily Ever After? Season 2 on DStv's Mzansi Magic on Wednesdays at 8pm, or catchup on the full season on the DStv App.