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To be or not to be Lavish

25 January 2023
In the lavish streets, the stakes are high, and it’s even harder to stay at the top. Once there, it is a fight to stay winning at the top.
woman in orange ball gown standing with a woman in a printed suit and a woman in a short red dress

The glitz and the glamour have a certain appeal for sure. Who doesn’t want to be at the top? Never having another Januworry sounds like heaven since every whim and desire is taken care of. Who could say no to being a boss in whatever chosen space, and if faced with an inconvenience, a day at the spa is the welcome remedy? It sounds like heaven, right?


There is, however, the dark side of the lavish life. As with everything, it has its pitfalls, like not knowing whom to trust. Your family being uninterested in a relationship with you as they only want you for your money and influence. Then some enemies come with wealth, jealousy among friends and colleagues who will be on the sidelines smiling with you but secretly celebrating your demise.


We can even explore the complexities wealth poses to many relationships. Zozi , Kat and Nomonde all have interesting relationships. Zozi and Khulu’s relationship has become transactional. In Nomzamo and Jabu’s relationship, money is used to keep Nomzamo happy, and Kat and Sechaba’s relationship is tricky as the love has run dry for Kat. Still, Sechaba lives from hand to mouth as his business is failing, so he has had to rely on Kat for financial stability. These relationships are riddled with lies, deceit, hurts, infidelity and even death.


So how might one avoid such pitfalls in their relationships?

  • Spending meaningful time together, away from social media and prying eyes, would be a start.
  • Never stop dating each other.
  • Money can never come before your relationship or be used as a weapon to get your way.
  • Honesty and frank communication keep you in tune with each other, as life can get busy.
  • Respect and choose each other every day and remember why you got together in the first place. Granted, you got together for the right reasons in the first place 😉.


Do you think the ladies would have still chosen the lavish lifestyle if they knew it would eventually lead to their demise? How will they pick up the pieces and rebuild? Tune into #LavishMzansi only on Mzansi Magic at 20:00 to find out. You can also find it on Catch up here.