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Day 48: What's your greatest fear? – BBMzansi

09 March 2024
Do knees give you the heebie-jeebies? You're in good company!
a woman with claustophobia

This week's theme sent shivers down the spines of housemates as they confronted their deepest fears. From slithering serpents to creepy crawlies, Biggie orchestrated a series of spooky encounters, transforming the house into a fear-inducing quagmire. As the housemates grapple with their phobias, let’s delve into the most common and weirdest fears that haunt the human psyche.


Do you dread being without your phone? You could be experiencing nomophobia. Nomophobia is the fear of being without a mobile phone or being unable to use it. In today’s digital age, nomophobia is becoming increasingly common, with individuals experiencing anxiety or distress when separated from their smartphones or unable to access them. Which housemate do you think has this?


Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Individuals with acrophobia experience intense anxiety when faced with situations involving heights, such as standing on tall buildings or looking down from high places.


The fear of feathers is known as pteronophobia. It's a specific phobia characterised by an irrational and intense fear of feathers or being touched by feathers. Like other phobias, it can cause significant distress and anxiety for those who experience it.


Ophidiophobia is a fear of snakes so Makhekhe and Yolanda were very scared this week. After a week of learning about snakes, getting scared by one after freezing, and playing pranks, overcoming was expected. By the end of their wager presentation, Makhekhe bravely wore a fake snake around his neck, showing he might not be scared anymore.


Fear of confined spaces is called claustrophobia, which can trigger panic attacks or intense anxiety in situations where individuals feel trapped or enclosed, such as crowded elevators or small rooms.


Do you have a fear of open or public spaces? Agoraphobia is characterised by anxiety about being in situations where escape might be difficult or embarrassing, leading individuals to avoid crowded places or unfamiliar environments.

Some other strange phobias include:

Turophobia: Fear of cheese 

Philophobia: Fear of romantic relationships

Anatidaephobia: Fear of ducks 

Genuphobia: Fear of knees 

Pogonophobia: Fear of beards 

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: The fear of long words

Big Brother Mzansi season 4 is broadcast live 24/7 on DStv Channel 198, which you can stream here. Sunday eviction shows are at 18:00 on Mzansi Magic. To join the conversation on social media platforms, use the hashtag #BBMzansi and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter Instagram and TikTok!