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Day 16: Where is the meat Biggie? – BBMzansi

06 February 2024
The S'ya Mosha housemates are battling to adjust to a vegan lifestyle.
Big Brother Mzansi diary room

The housemates' routine has been rocked off its axis after Biggie switched up their diet to a vegan one. This week, the housemates have been strongly encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and this has further been empasised through the provision of step-counter watches. The housemates face a challenge of meeting 200 000 steps in 48 hours, with the risk of compromising their wager in the event of failure. The house got straight into various activities in efforts to rack up their respective steps. 

Big Brother touched base with the housemates during diary sessions about their new lifestyle, and the housemates had mixed reactions on the diet. The meatless diet proved to be a unanimous challenge for the housemates and they let Biggie in on it. In as much as a few of them seem keen to adopt a healthier diet, they have noted that the house at large is battling with the lack of meat products. Chuenzaaa and Zee mentioned Makhekhe, PapaGhost and Yolanda as the housemates that appear to despise the diet component of this week's theme. McJunior expressed a combined hesitation and eagerness for veganism, but an overall appreciation for the food regardless. 

On the other hand, some housemates are looking on this new lifestyle with a keen eye. Liema spoke about her desire to be vegan and this week is the push that she needed. This is a sentiment that is held by Chuenzaaa and Zee who have a liking to new things. 

Big Brother's activity tracking watches are an instant hit with the housemates. They hold an impressive awareness of their habit to lazing around during the day, something that they have put a halt to following the receipt of their 200 000 step task. They are all optimistic that they will meet their targets with the aid of the morning gym sessions, and their spontaneous games in the house.  

All three disruptors Fahima, Neo and Taki received their new missions from Big Brother. They are tasked with hiding items belonging to their fellow housemates from today through to Thursday. Given that this may be the last mission for two of them, they will do well to make this task one for the books. 

Big Brother Mzansi season 4 S’ya Mosha is live 24/7 on DStv channel 198. Rate the Disruptors here to keep your favourite in the house as a real housemate. Rating closes Thursday at 21:00. Join the conversation online using the hashtag #BBMzansi and connect with us on FacebookXInstagram, and TikTok. Stay connected to DStv to watch every minute.