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Troubled hearts – Isibaya

11 February 2021
Valentine’s Day is coming but these couples look set for doom rather than celebrations this week.
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Isibaya is known for its love stories but it seems some of Mzansi’s fav couples are headed for a bump in the road to happily ever after. We take a look at which couples look like they could be headed for break-up, infidelity or worse, death.

Dam-Dam and Vava Voom

If you “Touch my heart.” in Saddam and Lillians marriage you may struggle to “feel the beat” as the couple’s favourite love slogan goes. Losing the B&B, their home, has really put a strain on their marriage. Add ot that Saddam stealing millions from the Zungus who have then kidnapped Jerry, Lillian’s only living grandchild.

But it really is not all those stressors that will push this couple over the edge. Enter Mbovu, the Zulu royal with the smooth tongue to boot. He has Lillian all in her feelings stealing walks with him in the mountains. Saddam may have been the soldier Lillian needed all along but she seems to have set her eyes on a Zulu warrior.

Siza and Sbu

We were all rooting for them! After mourning for Thandeka, it seemed only right that Sbu get a new love interest in his life. But being with wealthy city girl, Sizakele Sibiya has proved both difficult and dangerous for young Gatsheni.

First, Sbu’s deep feelings for former flame and mother of his late first child, Mabuyi just won’t seem to get away. Add to that Siza’s cousin trying to kill Sbu and you have a recipe for a Valentine’s Day disaster.

Is there still hope for Gatsheni and MaGumede?

Dabula and Ntwenhle

Even with Sihle’s spell broken, our Chief and Queen just can’t seem to be together to finally happily raise their beautiful daughter, Beyonce.

Ntwenhle has told Dabula that she will not return to Emarondweni unless Sihle has left but that is provingto be difficult. Sihle has dug her heels in at the lodge and is telling everyone that because half of it belongs to her son, it essentially belongs to her.

Can Dabula get rid of Sihle in time to share a romantic Valentine’s Day with his real wife?

So many lovebirds on #Isibaya and so much heartbreak headed their way. Which couples will stand the test of time? Tune into Isibaya every Monday to Firday at 20:30 to find out. 

Feeling nostalgic? Go to Showmax to binge watch all the previous ISIBAYA seasons.