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The Saturday Showdown


Saturday Showdown T&C

19 April 2022
The Saturday Showdown is a fun-and-games, laugh-a-minute show with the biggest prize pot in the history of Mzansi Magic! 5 teams will face-off every Saturday in a knock-out competition where you will be competing for over R3 Million in cash prizes! In every episode your team will compete in 5 rounds, consisting of games that will test your team's general knowledge and physical coordination. It's a showdown of epic proportions! Exclusive to Mzansi Magic on DStv Compact, this is The Saturday Showdown, hosted by the legendary Skhumba!
The Saturday Showdown logo and background

Saturday Showdown (S1) CTE Terms & Conditions 


The Saturday Showdown - Terms & Conditions
The Producers (Red Pepper Pictures), the broadcaster (M-Net) and their affiliated parties 

strictly adhere to all Covid-19 Protocols at all times. 



  •  Round-Robin: a tournament in which each competitor plays in turn against every other.
  •  Match Fee: the fee which will be paid to each player on a team for their participation on the show.
  •  Biokinetic assessment: A comprehensive physical assessment
  1. Your team will play at least four Round-Robin matches across four episodes of The Saturday Showdown.
  2. Players will earn Match Fees for all Round-Robin matches, regardless of the outcome. In other words, win or lose, no team goes home empty handed, ever.
  3. After all the Round-Robin matches are completed, only the Top 4 teams with the most points will advance to the Semi-Finals.
  4. The Winner of Semi-Final 1 and the winner of Semi-Final 2 will advance to the Final.

Saturday Showdown (S1) CTE Terms & Conditions 


  1. In the Final, only the Winning Team will earn a Match Fee.
  2. Only successful candidates will be contacted. If you have not received any correspondence by 20 May 2022 it means that your entry was unsuccessful.
  3. Second Round Auditions: Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an in-person or online interview with a member/s from the production team at a pre-arranged location to be confirmed in Johannesburg
  4. Travel costs for shortlisted candidates who are not from Johannesburg will be covered by the Producers.
  5. Please read carefully through all the terms and conditions before signing and submitting this form.


  1. Participants must be 18 years or older.
  2. Participants must be South African citizens and have the documentation to prove their nationality.
  3. Individuals who are curious and who enjoy attending and participating in games of a physical and mental nature.
  4. Individuals who enjoy taking risks and moving out of their comfort zones.


  1. Entries for The Saturday Showdown will be accepted with immediate effect until midnight on 30 April 2022
  2. Sign the terms and conditions before completing the following: Uploading your team’s video and completing the personal information fields
  3. A team can only enter once.
  4. Once an entry has been submitted, it will be evaluated and assessed.
  5. Entrants will only be contacted by the Producers or their representatives for further details should their entry be shortlisted.
  6. Should an entry be shortlisted by M-Net and / or the Producers, in its sole discretion, more information could be requested from the entrant.

Saturday Showdown (S1) CTE Terms & Conditions 



  1. I am 18 (eighteen) years or older at the time of submitting the online entry form.
  2. I am a permanent legal South African citizen and I understand that I may be required to show proof of identity.
  3. I will be required to travel within South Africa and we have no issues with being relocated to a location provided by the Producers for the duration of recording the series.
  4. M-Net and the Producers’ decision in relation to the selection of the contestants shall be final and no reasons will be provided for such decisions. I agree not to challenge or appeal against these decisions.
  5. I shall not engage in activities which violate the law of any jurisdiction (including the jurisdictions that I may be required to travel to during my participation in the programme), offend against public morals or embarrass M-Net/ the Producers and their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies in any way.
  6. By submitting this online entry, I grant M-Net permission and/or Producers permission to use my video / clip to promote me and/or the programme on any other platform of its choice. I agree that our video / clip may be edited, modified, added to or deleted, juxtaposed with any other material and that any other changes to the video / clip may be made at the sole discretion of M-Net and/or the Producers. I agree further that M-Net and the Producers may use our names, images, likeness, any photographs, voices, sobriquet and signatures in connection with our video/clip and / or the programme and use of any personal information supplied therein.
  7. I hereby assign irrevocably to M-Net the entire copyright and all other rights of whatsoever nature in and to our video, audition, participation and contribution to The Saturday Showdown Season 1, whether now in existence or arising in the future, including without limitation, our performance, any comments ascribed to us (whether as part of the audition, any psychological testing, any interview and any inclusion of our photographs, likeness, profiles, voices, sound effects, caricatures, literary, artistic and musical materials and the like for purposes of the Programme and/or any related publicity, research and marketing, which M-Net accepts. M-Net shall therefore be entitled to use and exploit and licence others to use and exploit such contributions, in whole or in part, by all means and in all media, manner and formats whether now known or hereafter invented throughout the world and in perpetuity.
  8. M-Net (and the Producers) reserves the right to change the terms and conditions, to vary the rules of the entry and/or rules of participation in the Series and/or any aspect thereof, without notice at any time, for any reason which M-Net, the Producer (and the Format Owner) deems fit or necessary at its sole discretion.
  9. Should I become a contestant on The Saturday Showdown, all publicity, digital and social media activity around my involvement in The Saturday Showdown will be done by M-Net from the date of my audition until six months after the broadcast of the final episode of the Series, unless otherwise indicated by M-Net.


Saturday Showdown (S1) CTE Terms & Conditions 

10. Should I become a contestants on The Saturday Showdown, my participation in 

and to the programme shall include but not be limited to broadcast, publicity, promotion of the Programme and other functions and events related to the Programme, in any media format including internet, interactive, social media platforms e.g. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, radio and television broadcasts. 


  1. I understand and accept the terms and conditions of this entry form for The Saturday
  2. I have no conflicting legal obligations.
  3. I warrant that in submitting our online entry, no third-party rights including without limitation intellectual third party rights were infringed and/or violated.
  4. If my team is short-listed, I agree that M-Net and the Producers may conduct such background checks and request original identity / passport documents that are necessary to confirm that all the information contained in the entry form which I have supplied are correct.
  5. If my team is invited for an interview by M-Net and/or the Producers in the participant selection process, I am prepared and agree to undergo biokinetic, psychological, background checks and medical screenings. I understand that the full details of this will be explained to me in advance.
  6. If I have children and my team is selected by M-Net and/or the Producers as a contestant on The Saturday Showdown, I agree that my children will not be able to reside with me at the The Saturday Showdown locations and the Producer/and/or M-Net, their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies will have no responsibility with regard to the welfare or accommodation of their children. I further undertake and warrant that I shall take all the necessary steps required to ensure the welfare, accommodation and care of their children during their participation in the production of the programme.
  7. Even if I or any member of my team is selected as a contestant, the Producers and/or M-Net, their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies have no obligation to produce The Saturday Showdown, and even if The Saturday Showdown is produced there will be no obligation on the Producers and/or M-Net and/or the Format Owner, their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies to broadcast it.
  8. If my team is selected, I agree that I am able to travel to the locations of The Saturday Showdown for a 2 week period between 20 May 2022 and 3 June 20221 (or for such other periods as the Producers and/or M-Net may designate). Should I or any of my team members not be available - unable to participate for any reason whether medical or personal, the team will be responsible for finding a replacement Player to be vetted by the Producers of The Saturday Showdown. Should the team fail to secure a replacement Player, then the Producers will allocate a replacement Player at their discretion.
  9. I agree to make myself available for interviews, auditions, publicity, and any other event relating to The Saturday Showdown and to do what is reasonably expected of me to assist the Producers and/or M-Net with all the arrangements necessary for the production of the programme and the competition embodied therein.


Saturday Showdown (S1) CTE Terms & Conditions 


  1. If I am selected for The Saturday Showdown, I will be required to enter into a formal written agreement with M-Net and/or the Producer and/or any other relevant party, the terms and conditions of which will be necessary to protect the rights of M-Net and/or the Producer and the Format Owner and such other entity involved in the production. Should I choose not to enter into such formal written agreement,I acknowledge and agree that we will be disqualified from participating in The Saturday Showdown.
  2. I acknowledge and confirm that I have no conflicting legal obligations which may restrict or limit my participation or contribution in the Programme. I confirm that I have not previously and will not from the date of my selection to participate and contribute in the Programme until 6 (six) months from the first transmission of the final episode of the Programme, enter into any commercial, contractual, sponsorship or other agreement or arrangement with any person, firm or company other than the M-Net and/or the Producer, in respect of my name, likeness, image or biography and/or my participation in the production of television programmes and/or the Programme. Should I have entered into such an agreement or arrangement prior to or during our participation in Programme, I hereby undertake to notify the Producer immediately and the Producer shall be entitled to take such other action as it considers (in its absolute discretion) to be appropriate including without limitation by disqualifying me from participation in the selection process and/or the Programme (and competition therein) without compensation or any form of liability to me by the Producer and/or M-Net. The aforementioned provisions shall also apply should there be any dispute (outstanding, current or imminent) with regards to any agreement or arrangement which I may have previously entered into with any person, firm or company in respect of my name, likeness, image or biography prior to our participation in the Programme.
  3. I hereby indemnify M-Net, the Producers, their subsidiary and affiliated companies, their officers, agents, directors and employees against any costs or damages (including consequential damages and pure economic loss) that may be incurred by M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ Red Pepper Pictures (the Producers) as a result of claims or charges made against M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ Red Pepper Pictures (the Producers) (whether at the instance of a third party or myself) for infringement of any right, whether the claim or action arises from delict or contract, or any infringement of whatsoever nature, arising out of or pursuant to the exercise by M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ Red Pepper Pictures (the Producers) or myself of its/his/her/our rights or the fulfillments or breach by myself of my obligations in terms of the The Saturday Showdown Programme and such indemnity shall extend to the reasonable costs that may be incurred by M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ Red Pepper Pictures (the Producers) in defending any action instituted against it.
  4. I grant to M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ the Producers an irrevocable performer's release and state that M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ the Producers may photograph, film, record, edit, broadcast, re-broadcast, publish or communicate to the public my performance, including for promotional purposes, related to The Saturday Showdown without remuneration.
  5. I hereby waive any moral rights which I may have in my performance in The Saturday Showdown as defined under the Copyright Act 1978, as amended.

15. Should M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ the Producers decide, in their sole discretion, not to proceed with The Saturday Showdown, for any reason 

Saturday Showdown (S1) CTE Terms & Conditions 

whatsoever, M-Net/MultiChoice Group of Companies/ the Producers may in their sole discretion elect to terminate this Entry Form without compensation to me. 

  1. I understand that all decisions by the Producer concerning selection of the contestants are final and no reasons will be given for their choices. I agree not to challenge or appeal against those decisions.
  2. These terms and conditions are governed by South African law and the South African courts shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction in respect of all matters (including disputes) arising herefrom. Should a party elect to institute proceedings in the High Court the parties consent to the jurisdiction of the South Gauteng High Court of South Africa.


1. I shall be disqualified if I am an employee of M-Net and/or the Producers or any of their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies and/or of any of their agents related to production of the Programme. If I am selected I shall not at any stage of the Programme be an employee of M-Net/ the Producers, their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies and/or of any of their agents related to production of the Programme and as such will not be entitled to any of the benefits available to M-Net/ the Producers’ their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies employees. 

2. M-Net and/or/ the Producers may disqualify me, without any compensation from the selection process and production of the programme, should I at any stage of the selection process and production of the programme, supply untruthful, inaccurate or misleading personal details and information; or be found to be unfit, in the sole discretion of M-Net and the Producers as a result of having undergone a material alteration in my appearance at any stage prior to the production of the Programme. 

3. Should I breach any of the above terms and conditions M-Net and/or the Producers may disqualify me, at any stage of the selection process or the production of the Programme, without any compensation. 

4. I shall not disclose to any third party (on any form of media including but not limited to limitation press, radio, television, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tiktok), without the prior written consent of M-Net/and the Producers, any information relating to their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, the Programme, the application/selection process, my appearance in the Programme, any of the production team, or any other entrants or Participants, nor any other information which may come to my attention relating to M-Net and the Producers, their parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, or otherwise connected to the Programme, save for such information which is already public knowledge. Should I be approached or contacted by the press/media, I must immediately refer them to M-Net or the Producers. 

I, the contestant, entering The Saturday Showdown, confirm that I have read and acknowledge and agree that I fully understand the terms and conditions for submitting this entry for The Saturday Showdown and fully accept that I am bound by the above terms and conditions. 

If you want to enter your team, click on the link below: edit?usp=sharing
Or sms your name to 067 799 1444 Entries close 28 April.