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A dream deferred makes the heart sick

17 January 2017
MaZet's dream to leave the confines of prison to be with her daughter is tragically deferred by the coniving Sharon. What now for MaZet?
MaZet and Sharon

Mzansi Magic's new prison drama is not pulling any punches in giving us emotional chest pains. Just when we had fallen in love with MaZet and her enthusiasm for getting out of the confines of a prison cell to be with her daughter, it would seem that escape would not be that easy for her. It is said that a dream deferred makes the heart sick. Has MaZet been pushed over the edge?Β 


MaZet is no stranger to struggle. A woman who has survived the cruelty of prison cell for years and served her time has got a story to tell. We do not know yet why MaZet killed Sibongile's husband but it must have been a good reason to push her over the edge to murder.Β 


Will MaZet be pushed to those limits again now that being a free woman seems out of her reach? There are clearly no limits to how far Sharon will go to meet her needs. She went as far as cutting her own writsts right in front of MaZet to frame her for murder of Alphie. What does life in prIson look like for MaZet and Sharon together? Can these two be left to survive in one prison. With Alphie's murder pinned on MaZet, she may have little to lose, meaning Sharon has put herself in danger of MaZer's wrath. Or is MaZet more of a flight than fight kind of girl?

What we do know is that MaZet hasΒ one weakness...her daughter Nkuli, and anything that reminds her of her daughter. It is quite possibly what kept her living and going all those years in jail. It is also what will make her heart sick should her dream of reuniting with her daughter be deferred. Maybe MaZet's relationship with Nkuli would not be as easy as "get out of jail" to fix, but with her promise of being out of jail in a few days broken, MaZet may have little hope of making up for lost time with her daughter.Β 

What does a woman who has lost it all and has to serve time for a crime she did not commit do? How far will MaZet go to her dreams and hopes with her daughter realised?Β 

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