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Where is Ngwebedla? – Isibaya

05 February 2019
Dabula claims to have killed Ngwebedla, but we know how sneaky he is.
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One of the most underrated villains on Isibaya has been the most difficult to get rid of. Ngwebedla has terrorized every one of our favourites from Thandeka, to Qondi to Duma in his quest for power.

However, he seems to have met his match this time. Chief Dabula, someone who should have been his ally, has managed to take down the tyrant.

It is a sad story of defeat for Ngwebedla. He brought Dabula to Bhubesini himself from prison, hoping he had found an ally he could control to do his dirty bidding. Little did Ngwebedla know, that Dabula is not a man who can easily be led by the nose,

Who would have thought Ngwebedla would be the one to orchestrate and bring to Bhubesini his own ruin?

Ngwebedla’s greatest desire has always been for power, to the point that he couldn’t see past the futility of some of his schemes. He devised a plan, with ultimate villan Sunday Nkabinde, to kidnap Thandeka and Sbu’s first born son. Sunday had promised him the throne if Ngwebedla helped him switch Thandeka’s baby with one of another woman who was soon to give birth at the same hospital. At the time, Ngwebedla barely knew how this would all lead to him getting the throne but he decided to trust in the devil.

Now, with Sunday defeated, Ngwebedla decided to take matters into his own hands and finish off the plan Sunday Nkabinde had devised – to bring Dabula out of prison and onto the throne as the rightful chief of eBhubesini.

Dabula was not grateful to Ngwebedla for long and soon enough the two began to butt heads. Ngwebedla’s biggest mistake was trying to kill Chief Dabula while he was with Ntwenhle Ndlovu. That old saying is true – if you shoot for the king, you’d better not miss.

It didn’t take long for Dabula to track Ngwbedla down and get his revenge. Dabula implied that he had killed Ngwebedla when he handed Mandla Ndlovu his signature hat.

However, the questions remain; what did Dabula do with Ngwebedla? Is it really the last we have seen of the old and rickety Bhubesini tyrant? Or has Dabula kept him around for a rainy day?

Stay tuned to #Isibaya every Monday to Friday at 20:30 to see what has really happened to Ngwebedla!