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MME logo 2024

Kam U Stay



Danny, a “non-practising plumber” is a man tired of being consumed by fear - the fear of getting old, of raising his children, of losing Jessica, of trying to keep his loved ones safe. He has developed insomnia as the agony of his anxiety has taken over his life. His relationship has suffered as he retreats further and further into the fear he feels as a white, 40 something-year-old man in South Africa. The “If only’s and what if’s” plague his every thought but the fear of the unknown is the real kicker. So, facing a mid-life crisis, what does he do? Change his look? Buy a new car? No, Danny opens a restaurant! Making a career change that’ll jeopardise everything that his family has worked has for. The restaurant is not only a change in his life but a means for his family’s survival.