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Sol Family: Quarantine


The most expensive wedding gift – Sol Family

17 August 2021
Chiki and Bien get matching tattoos.
tattoo, sol family, bien, chiki

As a couple would you ditch a wedding ring for a tattoo? That’s what Chiki and her husband Bien decided to do. This decision was made after the couple realised how easy it is to forget the wedding ring at home when they stepped out or to lose it. That’s why they opted to have something permanent instead – matching tattoos!

Chiki was excited about the whole process, but it took a lot of convincing to get Bien to buy into the idea. “Bien has never had a tattoo and he is super anxious about getting one.” His reason? “My ring is in my heart, and I don’t have to go through excruciating pain to prove my love for my wife.” The very thought of needles freaks him out too.

tattoo, sol family, bien, chiki
Have your say #Sol Family

What would you chose?

A wedding band63%
Matching tattoos...its permanent 38%

To get her husband to calm down, Chiki went through the process first and Bien could not even watch her do it. Chiki was left wondering what would happen on the day she gave birth. Would Bien be brave enough to be by her side during the whole process? That’s a story for another day.

When Bien’s turn came to get his tattoo, he tried to put on a brave face, but he couldn’t. After several attempts and a lot of encouragement from his wife, he was able to brave through with the procedure.

“This is the most painful wedding gift I have ever got from someone. To be honest, if it wasn’t for Chiki, I would never get a tattoo. I am so glad I have done something with someone I love.”

Bien got a two-line tattoo to signify how their love was infinite and how they would always stay parallel, side-by-side together forever!

Catch another interesting episode of Sol Family every Sunday at 7 pm only on Maisha Magic Plus on DStv 163.