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Outstanding friendships of the year – Best Of 22

02 December 2022
Here are friendships that stood the test of time!
best of 22, maisha magic plus

In all aspects of human life, a good friendship is very important. A true friend checks the following boxes:

  • Honest and trustworthy
  • Dependable
  • Loyal
  • Good listener
  • Non-judgmental

This year, our Maisha Magic Plus telenovelas not only served us drama but also taught us what true friendship is. Here are some on-screen friendships that blew us away in 2022:

Redempta and Chao

This friendship is one of a kind. At first, Redempta was first Mary’s friend; who happens to be Chao’s sister. After Mary left Misri for Kitale and later died, Chao moved to Misri to look after Mary’s children. After that their friendship blossomed and has now grown to a point where you would think they are blood sisters.

Nana and Jabali

These two may be related, but they are also partners in crime. Jabali is loyal to his aunt to the core and plays the role of confidante. One thing is certain; he can even take a bullet for her!  Nana too is very fond of Jabali, who is her sister’s son.

Zuri and Trish

This is a friendship of convenience. When Zuri is on the rebound or in trouble, she always runs to Trish who always offers her a shoulder to cry on. When these two are together they are wild and free.

Lefti, Onyi and Smalls

The trio enjoys a special bond that is unique to them. Although sometimes they are their worst enemy, they lean on each other in times of need. The most recent time they leaned on each other was when Lloyd, Lefti’s son, was beaten up and left for dead by his friends. They teamed up and found the culprits and beat them up before handing them over to the police.

Which of these friendships do you admire the most? Have your say on our social pages. 

Celebrate more friendships on Maisha Magic Plus into the new year.

Happy holidays!