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Kifaru vs Mum Aziza, who is the real bazuu? – Salem

31 August 2023
Kifaru and Mum Aziza are going into the real battle of proving who runs the streets in Salem
Mi ndio nilikuleta hapa' – Salem Image : 2095

If you are an avid watcher of Salem, and we hope you are, then you know just how thick things are at the moment.

Mum Aziza, famously referred to as Mamzii, is in a coma. But how did she get in that position?

Kifaru, in a bid to make ends meet and make his daughter Rubi happy, opted to find a quick way to make money.

Zumberi’s gang seemed like the best choice, and he quickly joined the gang.

However, Kifaru has already sort of proven he is actually the one running the streets, at least going by the fact that he ran Zumberi, the former gang leader, out of town.

Loyalty is king

Zumberi did try to get the gang to go against him, but we know how that turned out.

Kifaru’s plan seemed to be working, and Sam, Mamzii’s daughter, was liking what she was seeing – she wanted a piece of him, if you know what we mean (wink).

Perhaps Kifaru had his focus on chewing mullah – nothing (or nobody) else.

To try to win him over, Sam got Mamzii to agree to let her garage for “business”. Unbeknownst to her, Kifaru and his new gang planned on using the garage as a chop shop for stolen vehicles and body parts.

To this point, Kifaru did seem like he was indeed good at running the streets, but there soon was a storm over his paradise.

Mamzii was onto him, and resorted to make an impromptu visit to the garage. Bad idea.

Mamzii was caught in a crossfire that left her with serious gunshot wounds.

Kifaru has tried to tie loose ends by having Akilla finish Mamzii, get her out of her mysery, right? Wrong.

Since you cannot buy loyalty, Kifaru finds himself still having to prove that he is stronger than the original OG that is Mamzii.

Even though she lies in a hospital bed, her footsoldiers are still on patrol, and ensuring the fight goes on.

It ain’t over until it’s over, or until only one bazuu is running the Salem streets – Kifaru, or Mamzii.

For more on this story, catch Salem, weekdays on DStv Channel 163 on Maisha Magic Plus.