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My Horror Love Story: Kenya


How staying in an abusive relationship can harm your child – My Horror Love Story

07 December 2023
In family dynamics, the impact of an abusive relationship reverberates far beyond the immediate partners involved.
Jane’s story – My Horror Love Story: Kenya Image : 1782

Children, often silent witnesses to the turmoil within their homes, bear the heavy burden of the emotional fallout when their parents choose to remain in an abusive relationship.

The scars left on a child's psyche can be profound and lasting, influencing their emotional well-being, relationships, and overall development.

One of the most insidious ways an abusive relationship harms children is through the normalisation of toxic behavior. Growing up in an environment where verbal, emotional, or physical abuse is a recurring theme can skew a child's understanding of healthy relationships.

They may come to accept aggression, manipulation, or control as normal, potentially perpetuating the cycle of abuse in their future relationships.

Children living in homes marked by domestic abuse often experience chronic stress and anxiety. The constant tension and fear that accompany an abusive relationship create an unstable and insecure environment.

This chronic stress can have detrimental effects on a child's mental and physical health, potentially leading to issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, and even long-term health problems.

Witnessing abuse between parents can also hinder a child's emotional development. Children are highly perceptive, and exposure to violence or conflict can disrupt their emotional regulation and interpersonal skills.

They may struggle with forming healthy attachments, trust issues, and difficulties expressing their emotions. These challenges can persist into adulthood, impacting the child's ability to build and maintain stable relationships.

The impact of an abusive relationship extends beyond the emotional realm, affecting a child's academic performance and social interactions. The stress and trauma experienced at home can manifest in behavioural issues at school, hindering the child's ability to concentrate and learn.

Moreover, the stigma associated with domestic abuse may lead to social isolation as children may feel ashamed or unable to relate to their peers' experiences.

Perhaps most alarmingly, children who witness domestic abuse are at an increased risk of becoming victims or perpetrators of abuse later in life. The normalisation of violent behavior and the absence of healthy relationship models can contribute to a cycle of abuse that transcends generations. Breaking this cycle requires intervention, support, and, most importantly, the courage to leave an abusive relationship.

The decision to stay in an abusive relationship has far-reaching consequences for the children involved. From distorted perceptions of healthy relationships to chronic stress and compromised emotional development, the effects are profound and enduring.

Recognising the impact on children can be a powerful motivator for parents to seek help, break free from the cycle of abuse, and create a safer, healthier environment for their children's growth and well-being.

Watch My Horror Love Story every Sunday at 7.30pm on Maisha Magic East on DStv Channel 158