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Abi has always been known as A-TYPE Abi. If Abi doesn’t have a list, she has no sense of purpose. She has always had a plan and when the plan works, Abi is in her element. When they don’t? Abi is lost. So, Abi makes lists. Daily planners, weekly objectives and yearly vision boards. With the ongoing disappointment of not being able to bear a child, Abi has planned every possibility; from the ideal days for perfect conception to positions and post-coital conception techniques. All of which have failed... and now the couple have surrendered themselves into the hands of science and IVF or the possibility of being barren. Abi’s need to grow a family is born out of her memories of her own perfect childhood, having grown up with a mother and father who showered their children with love. The quintessential perfect suburban family that unreservedly put their children’s needs first. Abi’s constant need to recapture the utopian family ideal often clouded her relationships. Constantly making her second guess her choices and believing that the unchosen path would have born a more fruitful outcome. Even with her perfect marriage and lifestyle, Abi still hankers for past loves and the possibilities they could’ve brought.