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Jaffer is feared dead – Kovu

14 September 2022
While his secret mistress resurfaces.

The Haze family is riddled with dark secrets and lies that have long been kept hidden. However, their secrets have begun to unravel which will ultimately leave many scars and tears within and around them.

It all started when Alisa attempted to cover up her secret with Carlos by murdering her husband Jaffer. That action triggered a chain of events that threaten not only to tear the family apart but strain relationships. So far, here's what's happened:


  • Alisa discovered her husband's affair with another woman with whom he has a child.
  • Ruby, Rina, and Roy discovered that their grandmother (Alisa's mother) Bi Zena is still alive. Alisa had never told her family about her.
  • Carlos and Alisa have a dark history. Carlos raped Alisa and she became pregnant before marrying Jaffer. She gave birth to Rina who she hates with a passion
  • Lorna, Alisa’s best friend and Carlo’s sister witnessed what happened to her. Since then, Carlos has had her drugged to ensure she does not remember anything. He has also kept her hidden in his home for years
  • Linette (Jaffer’s mistress) and her daughter Amelia made a dramatic entrance at Alisa’s house and demanded to know where he was; an action that left the family speechless


  • Tasha (Roy’s girlfriend) fled as soon as Linette arrived because they had been involved in shady deals
  • Roy also discovered that his girlfriend Tasha had been hiding information about her pregnancy and after she vanished, he turned to drugs
  • Chaka arrived at Alisa’s house bruised, bloodied and battered. Carlos beat him up because he wanted him to sell the family land to him.

Have you missed any of these episodes? Binge-watch them all on Showmax.

Why is Carlos interested in this land? What will Alisa do now that Linette wants to know about Jaffer’s whereabouts?

Follow the suspenseful drama Kovu on Maisha Magic East DStv 158 and GOtv 4 every Monday to Friday at 7:30 pm.