Carte Blanche

Getting to know Carte Blanche Presenter Masa Kekana

03 July 2019
What still gets you nervous on a shoot and are there things you simply refuse to do? We ask Masa Kekana some questions as she join the Carte Blanche team...
Masa Kekana

How do you think your life might change now that you are presenting for Carte Blanche?

I think more people may want to approach me to inform me about stories they feel could be of national interest that a prestigious platform such as Carte Blanche can carry. Everyone knows and respects Carte Blanche’s role in the media and it is an institution that carries a lot of weight and authority. Hopefully this energy may spill over to me too in the stories that I get to tell. I can already see the change in my life in how I connect with the people whose stories I get to tell. With Carte Blanche being an investigative journalism specialist, more time is spent on a story (something I have always wanted), and there is more time to learn, to study and to really unpack the story. It has already started changing my life in that; I get to learn in depth about topics and people I would not have had the time to study further elsewhere.

Are there things you simply refuse to do?

I have been put in many tough situations in my years of experience as a radio news reporter so there are many things I thought I would not do, but know when the story hits me my adrenaline and passion for news give me courage. That being said, I refuse to do anything ethically compromising, that is a NO from me. I have a phobia of reptiles; anything with snakes, crocodiles, alligators would totally freak me out.

The show has been on-air for over 30 years - the longest of any South African current affairs show. To what do you attribute its longevity?

The fantastic behind the scenes tea,  producers, journalists, each and every office staff member, researchers, management, the right presenters and bravery. It is a well-oiled mega machine with every component playing it’s part to deliver the stellar work we get to see weekly. Carte Blanche has managed to do what many others continue to attempt, which is take the story a step further. The audience has grown to trust and respect the hard-hitting investigative journalism Carte Blanche has successfully managed to produce for more than three decades now. That is a very long time, in an ever-changing environment, to remain relevant and consistent.

Your high profile must offer some measure of security – but what still gets you nervous on a shoot?

Thankfully, my experience as a journalist has prepared me to join the giant of an institution that is Carte Blanche. What makes me nervous on shoots is not understanding the story completely. If I don’t understand it, my audience will not understand me. I find that when I have ample information and research I don’t get nervous on shoots. The second most nerve-wracking thing on shoots is the possibility of crime and danger. On my debut story on Carte Blanche the crew and I were unfortunately in an armed robbery. The threat and danger to media practitioners seem to be increasing across the board. Other than that I am a pig in mud on shoots. I love doing what we do.


>>READ: A Bit of Fun with Masa Kekana