Carte Blanche

A Bit of Fun with Carte Blanche Presenter Masa Kekana

04 July 2019
What are some of Masa Kekana's favourite things to do and what can't she live without? We get to know the woman behind the on-screen presence...
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1.       Do you have a middle name? And a nickname you’re willing to share?
Coincidentally my middle name is Clair (yes without the e at the end). How about that - two Claires on Carte Blanche. 

No one calls me by my middle name and I love and prefer my first name; Masa because of its sePedi origins and meaning to me and my family. My friends have shortened my already-short name and call me 'Mas' and my dad has always nicknamed me 'Nana' which means baby.


2.       Your favourite getaway or wind-down activity…

Reading a great book, deep sea diving (somewhere with beautiful ocean life), somewhere tropical.


3.       If you could choose a job that is far removed from TV and presenting, what would it be?

An ambassador.


4.       What can’t you live without?
My faith.


5.       Do you have any hidden talents – or a party trick?

 I think I may have hidden talents, but they are so good at hiding I am yet to find them. I will let you know when I do and we can organise a party.


6.       Top holiday destination…

I have been fortunate enough to have been able to travel a bit from an early age with my family and have visited some amazing places. Of all the incredible destinations my favourite holiday was in Kenya. We visited Mombasa, a tropical island off the coast of Kenya and it was hands-down the most beautiful place with the warmest people - I will never forget them all. It's been 15 years since that holiday and I will certainly go back. I would also love to visit some of the many places on my bucket list that I've never been to such as: Italy, Ghana, Cameroon, Maldives, Zambia, Mali, Greece, Spain and so many more.


 7.       Your favourite food that you’ve mastered in the kitchen…

I am the Master of Potato Bake. I make the best potato bake. I love potatoes just generally; there is so much you can do with a potato. I also make the most delicious grilled cheese sandwiches.

>>READ: Getting to Know Masa Kekana