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Reinette Gets Candid

06 December 2019
The first thing you notice when you meet Reinette is her captivating smile. Her smile is so radiant you wouldn’t guess she recently experienced heartbreak after ending her previous 16-year relationship. Although it was a painful period, Rey, as she’s affectionately known to those close to her, decided to dust herself off and give love a second chance. We got an opportunity to chat to her about her experience on ‘Finding The One’ and get the exclusive update on her love life.
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“I was so excited for the show, my heart wanted to jump out of my chest.” Reinette couldn’t hide her excitement and neither could we as she let us in on what went into the search for her happily-ever-after.

Since the show required Reinette to have matchmakers, she chose her older sister Tereza; her best friend Nadine and colleague turned really good friend Brad. “For one I trusted their judgement as they are very protective of me and know what’s best for me. Tereza always looks out for me as a big sister, Nadine is also my housemate and knows all my movements; Brad brought a different perspective from the two ladies as he’s a really good judge of character, each of my matchmakers played a unique role in choosing my perfect match.”

Speaking about a perfect match, it’s clear Reinette ‘s matchmakers had an array of people to choose from but we are particularly interested in what she thought of her squad’s matchmaking skills. “I would rate my crew a 9 out of 10. I felt that they did match me with the suitable candidate”. By ‘suitable candidate’ Reinette is referring to 21-year old house manager, Quinn Ludlow. From what we saw on the episode there was an immediate connection when the two met at their date, so it was only natural to find out if there’ll be a second date. “I won’t refer to it as an actual date but we did meet up once in September by accident. My friend wanted to introduce me to this girl, only to find out that the girl was with Quinn and they are best friends. We all went for drinks and that was the last time I saw Quinn. I messaged Quinn after that on her Birthday but that was also the last time we spoke.”

So that played out like a scene from a Romcom and Reinette’s search for love still continues. She may just land up dating Quinn’s best friend! We’ll just have to watch this space.

As for Reinette’s experience on the show, she had these final words, “This was not only therapeutic to myself and my love situation but the team from Okhule Media was amazing and most definitely the best experience I’ve had in my life. There is hope for anyone out there, whether it be ‘Finding The One’, ‘Finding The One’s Friend” or just meeting new people. It was fun to work with everyone involved and the highlight of 2019 for me.”

For more love stories, remember to catch Finding The One on M-Net every Sunday at 6pm from February 23rd.

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