
A Fairytale! Twitter Reacts To Our Final Episode –The Bachelor SA

29 May 2020
Tears and well wishes for our brand new couple.
TBSA2 Ep15-3634

After 16 long weeks of romance and delicious drama, it was shy Marisia who won Marc’s heart and scored the final rose of the season! 

Our finale episode was obviously the most anticipated episodes of the season – and in  delivered in breathtaking style. There was laughter, there was drama, there were tears and ultimately, there was a love story that we have all seen take shape  since day 1. Here’s how it went down on social!

It wasn’t just Marc who was getting butterflies a couple of hours before the finale kicked off. Our Bachelor family from all corners of the country was getting heart palpitations up and down our TL – and with good reason. 


Twitter couldn’t wait for the tea, especially when we all realised some of our most colourful and most memorable ladies were returning to fill us in on life after the mansion – and to obviously clear the air!


Our returning cast, in true The Bachelor fashion, were not afraid to tell us who they wanted Marc to give the final rose to.

The ladies pick their winner

Then it was time for Marc to make his final choice! Our Bachelor delivered the news to Bridget first – and as expected, #TeamBridget couldn’t cope.


After drying our eyes, we all came together to celebrate with Marisia!

Marisia is ‘The One’


We were all so happy to see Bridget on that Zoom call with Jason and Marc in the aftermath of that crushing Elimination. We laughed heartily though when we realised Bridget is still… Bridget. Our girl was so on form with her commentary, even DStv fell off a chair 😂❤️


Then it was off to Cape Town to catch up with our gorgeous couple. Our hearts almost burst at the seams with joy, when we found out Marc and Marisia have already taken their first baecation (to Thailand) AND they are currently on lockdown together in Cape Town. Hey? 🙌🏾


At home with Marc and Marisia

We’re so glad our happy couple found each other. Congrats, you two! PS - Are we getting a Bachelor wedding and cute little Bachelor babies soon? We hope so!