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Another successful soiree – Finding The One

23 March 2020
His matchmakers paired Andrew with Lynne and the chemistry was clear, but we’re not sure they’re actually an item.
FTO Ep13-9654

We reckoned Andy was a catch – fifty, fit, a silver fox, and, in his own words, “Off the wall, original and different”.

His mates know Andy very well, and spoke of him very highly (well, until later in the episode!), so hopes were high.

And the ladies they selected were mooi! Attractive, accomplished, diverse, and independent.

But as the wine flowed over lunch, Wandi got louder – and Andrew’s matchmakers sold him down the river, referring to him as a player!

During their final deliberation, the matchmakers weighed up the pluses and minuses – including Wandi’s pet allergies and Lynne’s underwear drawer!

After comparing notes, the trio chose Lynne for the blind date with Andrew, and it seemed to go swimmingly!

Now, we’ve done the social media stalking (because Andy’s been evading our questions – naughty boy!) – and we cannot find any evidence of them together, despite there apparently being a second date on the cards…

We did, however, find another photo of interest – Lynne hanging out with Wandi and Claudia!

So we may not have been necessarily successful in #FindingTheOne, but we did end up making some friends!

Find the one on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #FindingTheOne. Finding The One airs on Sundays at 1PM on M-Net Channel 101.