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Christmas à la Khisimuzi!

24 December 2021
Things we will forever cherish about Christmas time in the South of Ah.
Christmas In The South

The magic of Christmas time in South Africa doesn’t present itself in the twinkle of a snowflake, mistletoe or those lovingly knitted obnoxious Christmas sweaters.

Here are some of the things we have loved about Christmas in the southern tip of Africa:

Family gatherings          

Calling all rich aunts, uncles, skrrr cousins, long-lost family members and city-dwellers! Most South African homes are packed to the brim during this season, as members make it a point to gather not only for Christmas but traditional rituals and weddings.

Christmas Clothes

What would a South African Christmas be without the promise of new threads! It is an unspoken South African tradition that the festive season calls for a fashion haul!

Christmas Treats
Break out the Baker’s Choice Assorted biscuits (but only on Christmas Day otherwise, you’ll find yourself six feet under) and that oh-so faithful jelly and custard combo! Are you even South African if there’s no ‘’John 14” coleslaw, bean and mayonnaise salad or beetroot on your plate???

It’s in the music!

Finally, something ALL South Africans cherish; Every year, we get together as a country to choose our favourite song of the year, one worthy of ushering us into the new year! Are you even South African if this doesn't form part of your debates or excite you? 


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