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How To Keep The Flame Burning in A Relationship

16 November 2019
Want to keep that spark alive in your relationship? Check out these tips!
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You meet the love of your life, you date and end up together. But as time goes by, there seems to be something missing? Have you lost the spark in your relationship? Are things getting cold? Let's look at some ways that you can ignite that flame once again.

Keep Surprising Each Other

Everyone loves surprises🤩. Think of the beginning of your relationship when you both did things to surprise each other. Well, it doesn't have to stop! Keep doing it. Look for little ways to surprise each other. Call them to tell them you love them. Send flowers 💐. Show up at their work place unexpectedly and do a lunch date. Write a poem and recite it to them at bedtime. Keep the surprises coming and the love will keep coming too.

Make Time For Date Night

Date night doesn't end once you are officially a couple. You've got to keep the sparks flying when you're together. Go to your favourite restaurant, try a new one or simply have a dinner date at home. Watch a romantic movie under the stars ⭐⭐. Leave a note for them saying it's date night. Ask them out. Tell them you're crushing on them. Act like you're both falling in love all over again.

Write Love Letters

Remember when your boo was wooing you with silly love notes? Well, we may live in a digital age, but love letters 💌 are still very romantic and timeless. So write them a love letter, declaring your undying love. Tell them all the things you love about them in the letter. Do this more often. Pin it on the dresser table, leave it under their pillow, in the shower, or in their car. Love letters say, signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.


Take a trip down memory lane through your journey together. Look at old photos, talk about your first date, first fight and first kiss👄. Remember why you both choose each other and keep reminding yourselves of that daily. Make a date at the very place you first met and indulge in some sweet déjá vu. Just keep those sweet memories alive and your love for each other will live on too.

Look Good For Your Partner

It's important to love each other, flaws and all, but it's also nice to look good for your love. So dress up 👔👗, do your hair, smell good and surprise your partner when they get home, with the new you. Don't be afraid to try a new look, it's the same you, only with extra spice. They may also wish to do the same for you. It's a win-win situation😍

Support Your Partner

Love isn't all butterflies, goo goo eyes and hearts. Show your partner you love them by helping them with something that's important to them. This could be a DIY project, help with their studies or quitting 🚫 a bad habit. Be present in the moment and show them you are a helping hand and shoulder to cry on. Supporting each other is crucial and this brings you both closer👫

Be Intimate

Intimacy is important and vital in a relationship. Get closer and get more intimate ❤. Share your desires and deepest thoughts with your partner on both a physical and emotional level. Take your intimacy to a new level. Trust your partner and allow yourself to let go. Show your partner that they are wanted and needed and vice versa. The passion is bound to ignite the flame 🔥

We hope the fire continues burning in your relationship. Share your tips with us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram  with #FindingTheOne

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