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Winning with M-Net and Trackers

13 December 2019
Congratulations to all of our Trackers competition winners.
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The following people have won a pair of Veldskoen and a pair of Plakkies each:

  • Jaco Van Eck
  • Yolanda  Van Tricht
  • Bill Viljoen
  • Erno Raath
  • Felix  Fourie
  • Lauren Willemse
  • Romaana Mehtar
  • Vic Mennell
  • Prince Magwaza
  • Warren Van Der Merwe

The following people have won R10 000 each courtesy of OUTsurance:

  • Marius Heyns
  • Michelle  Mudenda
  • Euanne  Oberholzer
  • Anita Verreynne
  • Jacoba Van Aswegen