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Who runs the world?

09 December 2021
African female monarchs
The Throne 4

We absolutely love The Queen and the power that it has given to the divine feminine voice. We take a look at queens that have ruled the African landscape.

Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba

Nzingha Mbande (c. 1583 – 1663) was Queen of the Ambundu Kingdoms of Ndogo 1624–1663) and Matamba(1631–1663), located in present-day northern Angola born into the ruling family of Ndongo, Nzinga received military and political training as a child. The young monarch showed an aptitude for defusing political crises as an ambassador to the Portuguese Empire. She later assumed power over the kingdoms after the death of her father and brother, who both served as kings. She ruled during a period of rapid growth in the African Slave Trade and encroachment of the Portuguese Empire into South West Africa, in attempts to control the slave trade Nzinga fought for the Independence and stature of her kingdoms against the Portuguese, with her reign lasting 37 years.

Yaa Asantewaa

Born in 1840 in Besease by Kwaku Ampoma and Ata Po in the Central Region of Ghana, Yaa Asantewaa was the oldest of two children. her brother, Afrane Panin, became the chief of Edweso, a nearby community. After a childhood without incident, she cultivated crops on the land around Boankra. She entered a polygamous marriage with a man from whom she had a daughter. She died in 1921. She was a successful farmer and mother. She was an intellectual, a politician, a human rights activist, a queen and a leader. She became famous for leading the Ashanti rebellion against British colonialism to defend the Golden Stool.

Mosadi Seboko

Born 7 June 1950, Mosadi Seboko is the Kgosikgolo of the Balete people in  Botswana. She is the first female kgosikgolo in the history of Botswana.

Her rise was a revolutionary one in that it overthrew a tradition where women were only allowed in the kgotla (village meeting) if they were invited by a male. She assumed office on 7 January 2002 and became chair of the Ntlo ya Dikgosi on 28 February 2002 She was crowned on 30 August 2003 and received the traditional gift of cattle, and a Toyota pickup truck, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, computer, and printer During her coronation, she noted the changing dynamics of her tribe:

Her leadership style is unconventional compared to her male predecessors as she has openly spoken  about her abusive husband, sexual rights for women, and HIV/AIDS

Which other monarch do you admire?

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