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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Will Smith

12 January 2017
How much do you know about the Fresh Prince?

  1. Together with his wife, Jada Pinkett-Smith, he founded a primary school in Calabasas, California.
  2. Have you ever wondered where he met his wife? It was on the set of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Pinkett auditioned for a part, and although she didn’t get it, she left an impression on Smith and they stayed in touch. The rest, as they say, is history.
  3. Not just a pretty face, Smith’s favourite subject at school was Maths.
  4. On the note of mental agility, he can solve a Rubik’s Cube in 55 seconds.
  5. He loves Jozi! Check it out in the LallaLand interview below.

  1. Men in Black’s theme song was his first solo hit.
  2. This one’s pretty common knowledge, but in case you missed it: Smith turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix.
  3. Thanks to his ability to talk himself out of trouble, one of his teachers dubbed him Prince. As we well know, the name stuck.
  4. His rage at the conked out alien in Independence Day is real and the line “what the hell is that smell” is improvised. Due to the stench from the nearby Great Salt Lake in Utah where they were filming, Smith lost his cool and raged at the alien about vile odours. Director Roland Emmerich thought it was so funny, he kept it in.
  5. We love Will Smith, but Sam the German Shepherd in I Am Legend vied for No. 1 spot as our favourite character in the film. Smith wouldn’t blame us – he loved one of the dogs who played Sam so much, he tried to adopt her, but her trainer loved her just as much and wouldn’t give her up.

Want more Will Smith? Watch him this January on M-Net Movies Showcase.