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A look back at Rea’s episode

17 February 2020
This week we met sassy Rea whose longest relationship was with her high school sweetheart and it lasted 5 months.
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Rea has been focusing on her demanding studies but now that she has graduated she has high hopes of finding love. “My ideal partner is a ‘well-read wonderer’, someone that can expand my mind and my world. Ideally, someone who is compassionate, understanding and hopefully an intellectua.l”

Rea’s circle is made up of legal eagles who have her best interest at heart. “My friends, who are also my matchmakers, are all analytical people and they never take anything at face value. In this case, they weighed the pros and cons before deciding on the suitor.” Finding The One was a lovely experience for Rea and there’s one or two moments that stood out for her. “I still have flashbacks of the superman bath mat and all the superhero ‘memorabilia’. I haven't forgotten about the handcuffs either. Also, in general how each family was willing to allow us into their house and into their space to 'invade'. I thought that was nice.”

Although Rea’s still single she’s still a firm believer in love and her experience on Finding The One reminded her of what love can be like. “The reason I entered the show is because I’m a hopeless romantic, I envisioned meeting my soulmate and we would instantly connect, fall madly in love, get married and live happily ever after. A part of me really wanted that. But realistically, I entered to open myself up to the possibility of finding true love! I didn't meet my soulmate or find love but I definitely enjoyed the experience and I would do it over in a heartbeat.

So until she finds her significant other, Rea will be her own perfect match.

Rea took her shot at love! Let us know what you think it takes to find the one on FacebookTwitter and Instagram  using #FindingTheOne.

Finding The One is on Sundays at 1PM on M-Net Channel 101.