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31 Maart

PRONTUIT – DIE SIELKUNDIGE IMPAK VAN DIE KORONAVIRUS – SEG 1 – 30 MAART 2020 COVID-19 het die hele wêreld op sy kop gekeer. Maatreëls wat deur regerings en werkgewers ingestel word om die verspreiding van die virus te bekamp – soos om van die huis af te werk en self-isolasie, het ‘n geweldige impak op mense se gemoed. Voorts het die virus ook mense se gedragspatrone en optrede verander – dink maar aan sosiale afstand wat nou ‘n gonswoord is. Hoe blywend gaan die gedrag wees, selfs nadat die ergste oor is? Hoe hanteer ‘n mens die invloed op jou gemoed? Kabous gesels vanaand met Winston Schoeman en Sophia Combrink – albei kliniese sielkundiges en Erik Vermeulen, ‘n gedragsekonoom. COVID-19 has turned the entire world on its head. Measures, put in place by governments and employers, to halt the spread of the virus, such as self-isolation and country-wide lockdowns have a direct impact on people’s mental health. In addition to the added strain caused by uncertainty and isolation, people’s behavioural patterns have changed – social distancing etc. How lasting will the effects of these changes in our society be, once the worst is over? How does one manage the strain of stress and uncertainty on one’s mental health? We chat with Winston Schoeman and Sophia Combrink, both clinical psychologists and Erik Vermeulen, ‘n behavioural economist.