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Dierepraters - Prontuit

20 Julie

Dierepraters - Prontuit | 19 July 2021 | KykNET Kan jou kat, hond of reptiel praat? Hoe werk kommunikasie tussen diere en mense? Hoe werk ook oor sterrewiggelary? Hierdie praktyke is so oud soos die berge, maar is dit feit of foefie? * Kyk Prontuit Maandagaand 21:00 op kykNET (DStv-kanaal 144) en op DStv Catch Up. Animal Whisperers - Prontuit | 19 July 2021 | KykNET Can your cat, dog or reptile communicate with you? How does communication between animals and people work? How does astrology work? The practices are as old as time, but is it fact or fiction? * Watch Prontuit on Monday evenings at 21:00 on kykNET (DStv channel 144) and on DStv Catch Up.