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Veediefstal neem toe gedurende inperking

24 April

Veediefstal neem toe gedurende inperking | KN VERSLAG| 23 APRIL 2020 | kykNET Daar is ’n toename in veediefstal opgemerk sedert die tydperk van inperking afgekondig is. ’n Rede hiervoor is, volgens rolspelers, die feit dat plaaswagte nie hul werk kan doen gedurende hierdie tyd nie. Lourensa Eckard het ondersoek ingestel. Stock theft increases during lockdown | KN VERSLAG | 23 APRIL 2020 | kykNET There has been a marked increase in stock theft since the lockdown took effect. According to many stakeholders this is due to the fact that rural community policing forums have not been able to do their work during the lockdown. Lourensa Eckard spoke to experts and stakeholders to find out more.