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Covid 19 derde vlaag, wat nou? DR ANGELIQUE COETZEE SPREEKKAMER

16 Junie

Covid-19 derde vlaag, wat nou? DR. ANGELIQUE COETZEE - SPREEKKAMER | 15 JUNIE 2021 | kykNET President Cyril Ramaphosa het vanaand gewaarsku die dodetal het die afgelope 2 weke met 48% gestyg, en Gauteng is die brandpunt met meer as twee derdes van alle Covid-19 gevalle. Suzaan Steyn gesels met dr. Angelique Coetzee, die voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse mediese vereniging, SAMA, oor presies hoe ons situasie nou lyk. Covid-19 third wave, what now? DR. ANGELIQUE COETZEE - SPREEKKAMER | 15 JUNIE 2021 | kykNET President Cyril Ramaphosa warned tonight that the death toll has risen by 48% over the past 2 weeks, and Gauteng is the focus point with more than two-thirds of all Covid-19 cases. Suzaan Steyn, speaks to dr. Angelique Coetzee, the chairperson of the South African Medical Association, SAMA, to find out exactly what our situation is now