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Covid 19 & toerisme, Wesgro maak ‘n plan – WINSLYN

13 Mei

Covid-19 & toerisme, Wesgro maak ‘n plan – WINSLYN | 12 MEI 2020 | kykNET Die One Day-veldtog, is ontwikkel deur die Wes-Kaapse agentskap vir toerisme, handel en beleggingsbevordering (Wesgro) met die doel om die toerismebedryf in die Weskaap te ondersteun tydens die Covid-19-krisis. Divan gesels met hoof van die Convention Bureau by Wesgro, Corné Koch. Covid-19 & tourism, Wesgro makes a plan – WINSLYN | 12 MAY 2020 | kykNET The 'One Day' campaign was developed by the Western Cape Tourism, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Wesgro) with the aim of supporting the tourism industry in the Western Cape during the Covid 19 crisis. Divan speaks to the head of the Convention Bureau at Wesgro, Corné Koch.