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Wat beplan die Moederstad met blokkettingtegnologie? WINSLYN

20 Maart

Wat beplan die Moederstad met blokkettingtegnologie? - WINSLYN | 19 MAR 2019 | kykNET Met die oog op tegnologiese uitdagings en oplossings in Afrika, is die Blockchain Africa Conference geskep. Vanjaar se beraad het in Johannesburg en Kaapstad plaasgevind en gesprekke tussen sakelui en die regering ingesluit oor deursigtigheid, regulasies en toepassings van blokketingtegnologie. Die premier van die Wes-Kaap, Helen Zille, heg groot waarde aan die moontlikhede van hierdie tegnologie. In haar laaste paar weke as premier is dit iets wat sy by die regering wil tuisbring. Die Winslyn-span was in Kaapstad om meer uit te vind oor dié planne van die Wes-Kaapse regering. What is the Mother City planning with blockchain technology? – WINSLYN | 19 MAR 2019 | kykNET With the focus on technological challenges, opportunities and solutions, the Blockchain Africa Conference was created. This year the meetings took place in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and discussions between business and government were held. These conversations focused on transparency, regulation and applications of blockchain technology. Premier of Cape Town, Helen Zille, is excited about the opportunities that this new technology can mean for the future of our country. She hopes to carry this message across to government before her term ends. The Winslyn-team was in Cape Town to find out more from various stakeholders.