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1 uit elke 3 studente het ñ kantbesigheid, Motshabi Nomvethe WINSLYN 20 JANUARIE 2022 kykNET

21 Januarie

1 uit elke 3 studente het ñ kantbesigheid, Motshabi Nomvethe - WINSLYN | 20 JANUARIE 2022 | kykNET Die Professional Provident Society, oftewel PPS, is ñ organisasie vir gegradueerde studente. Die hoof van tegniese bemarking by PPS, Motshabi Nomvethe, is in die Winslyn-ateljee om meer oor die bevindings uit hul jongste navorsingsverslag te vertel. 1 out of 3 students have a side-hustle, Motshabi Nomvethe - WINSLYN | 20 JANUARY 2022 | kykNET The Professional Provident Society, or PPS, is an organisation for graduate students. The head of technical marketing at PPS, Motshabi Nomvethe, is in the Winslyn studio to tell more about the findings from their latest research report.