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Onderwys (Segment 1) – Prontuit

08 September

Met die aanvang van die inperking was onderwys – leerlinge en onderwysers – ‘n brandpunt in Suid-Afrika, maar ook wêreldwyd. Nou het leeringe meer as 5 maande se onderrig verloor. Terwyl onderwysers bitter besorg is oor leerlinge en baie moeite gedoen het om leerlinge op datum met die kurrikulum te hou, is talle onderwysers ouer en in die hoër-risikogroep vir infeksie. Ons het gaan uitvind. With the start of the Covid-19 lockdown, the completion of the academic year became a burning issue, not only locally, but also internationally. South African pupils have now lost out on almost five months of tuition. While teachers have made great efforts to keep pupils up to date with the curriculum, many teachers are older and in the higher risk group for infection. We found out to which lengths teachers went to.