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In Gesprek


Politieke ontwikkelinge rondom die inperking in SA Deel 2

14 Mei

Politieke ontwikkelinge rondom die inperking in SA Deel 2 | KN VERSLAG IN GESPREK | 13 MEI 2020 | kykNET Paneelgesprek met Tim du Plessis, die hoof van aktualiteit by kykNET (in die ateljee), en Tony Leon, die oudpolitikus (op Skype), oor die president se toespraak wat vanaand gelewer is. Political developments surrounding the lockdown in SA Part 2 | KN VERSLAG IN GESPREK | 13 MAY 2020 | kykNET Panel discussion with Tim du Plessis, the head of current affairs at kykNET (in studio), and Tony Leon, former politician (on Skype), about the president’s address to the nation this evening.