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Die tragiese saak van Pamina Vermaak word ’n fliek

21 November 2022
’n Joernalis wat skielik sonder ’n inkomste sit. ’n Rock-ster wat sy wonde lek nadat sy verloofde hom verneuk het. En die mooie, mooie Weskus met sy eiesoortige bekoring.
Die tragiese saak van Pamina Vermaak

Die topverkoper Die tragiese saak van Pamina Vermaak, deur die joernalis en skrywer Annie Klopper, het in 2018 verskyn en word nou ’n fliek. Die verfilming aan dié romantiese komedie het reeds begin en die rolverdeling sluit jong talent en verskeie Suid-Afrikaanse legendes in.

Carla Smith (Tydelik terminaal, Ekstra medium, Troukoors) is te sien as Pamina Vermaak, wat druipstert na haar ma-hulle terugkeer nadat sy haar werk verloor het. Ook op die Weskusdorp Witwaterbaai, waarheen Pamina gesweer het sy nooit weer sal terugkeer ná ’n fiasko 11 jaar gelede nie, is die rock-ster Wolf de Jager. Hy kom kruip weg nadat sy verloofde, die aktrise Daniella du Toit, hom verneuk het. Dit is natuurlik onafwendbaar dat Pamina en Wolf se paaie kruis ...

Christiaan Schoombie (Troukoors, Desert Rose, Binnelanders) is te sien as Wolf en ander spelers in die rolverdeling sluit in Anna-Mart van der Merwe, Lee-Ann van Rooi, Albert Pretorius en Duane Williams met kameeverskynings deur Hélène Truter, Rolanda Marais, André Roothman en Armand Aucamp.

Die regisseur is Kabous Meiring, wat, onder meer, as aanbieder van Prontuit op kykNET bekend is. Go2 Content, in samewerking met The Film Factory, is die vervaardigers met Kabous, Jaco Nothnagel en Danie Bester aan die stuur.

Die draaiboek is aanvanklik deur Elanie Rupping (Tydelik terminaal, Mense Mense, Sterlopers) geskryf en toe verder deur Bibi Slippers, Kabous, Jaco, Danie, Tina Kruger en Annie Klopper ontwikkel.

“Ek dink elke persoon se bydrae, klein of groot, maak hierdie draaiboek uniek en baie eerlik,” sê Jaco. “Om nou die woorde in die akteurs se monde te hoor en met Kabous in haar element as regisseur, is die kersie op die koek.”

Die tragiese saak van Pamina Vermaak word, onder meer, in Kaapstad, Velddrif, Laaiplek en St. Helenabaai verfilm. Die rolprent sal by die 2023 kykNET Silwerskermfees première en sal daarna op DStv BoxOffice beskikbaar wees.

“Ons hou duim vas dat die wind ons nie wegwaai nie en ons koop sonbrandroom in grootmaat aan. Die dorpies se sjarme en asemrowende sonsondergange het ons almal se harte gesteel,” sê Jaco. “Dit is die derde produksie wat Go2 Content buite die stad skiet en ek is weereens geroer deur die plaaslike gemeenskappe se gasvryheid en ondersteuning.”


Film adaptation of the hit novel Die tragiese saak van Pamina Vermaak is under way

A journalist, suddenly without work and money. A rock star, licking his wounds after his fiancé cheated on him. And the beautiful, beautiful West Coast with its unique charm.

The bestseller Die tragiese saak van Pamina Vermaak, by the journalist and writer Annie Klopper, was published in 2018 and is now being made into a movie. Filming of this romcom has started, and the cast includes fresh young talent and various South African legends.

Carla Smith (Tydelik terminaal, Ekstra medium, Troukoors) stars as Pamina Vermaak who returns home with her tail between her legs after losing her job. Rock star Wolf de Jager also finds himself in the West Coast town of Witwaterbaai – a place Pamina swore never to return to after a disastrous event 11 years ago. Wolf is hiding there after he found out his fiancé, the actress Daniella du Toit, is cheating on him. Inevitably, Pamina and Wolf cross paths …

Christiaan Schoombie (Troukoors, Desert Rose, Binnelanders) plays Wolf. The cast also includes Anna-Mart van der Merwe, Lee-Ann van Rooi, Albert Pretorius and Duane Williams, with cameo appearances by Hélène Truter, Rolanda Marais, André Roothman and Armand Aucamp.

In the director’s chair is Kabous Meiring, anchor of the current affairs programme Prontuit. Go2 Content is producing the movie in collaboration with The Film Factory. The production team is headed by Kabous Meiring, Jaco Nothnagel and Danie Bester.

Elanie Rupping (Tydelik terminaal, Mense Mense, Sterlopers) wrote the first draft of the script which was then further developed by Bibi Slippers, Kabous, Jaco, Danie, Tina Kruger and Annie Klopper.

“I think every person’s contribution, big or small, made this script unique and very honest,”
says Jaco. “To hear the words come out of the mouths of the actors, and with Kabous in haar element as director, is the cherry on the cake.”

Die tragiese saak van Pamina Vermaak is filmed in, among other places, Cape Town, Velddrif, Laaiplek and St. Helena Bay. The movie will premiere at the kykNET Silwerskerm Film Festival in 2023 and will then be available on DStv BoxOffice.

“We are keeping our fingers crossed that the wind won’t blow us into the sea, and we’re buying suntan lotion in bulk, but we fell in love with the charm of these towns and the breath-taking sunsets,” says Jaco. “This is the third production Go2 Content is shooting outside Cape Town, and, once again, I was touched by the support and hospitality of the local communities.”