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UIF uitbetalings, Solidariteitsfonds, Oppenheimer skenking of Rupert fonds? – WINSLYN

08 April

UIF-uitbetalings, Solidariteitsfonds, Oppenheimer-skenking of Rupert-fonds? – WINSLYN | 7 APR 2020 | kykNET Daar heers verwarring oor die verskeie spesiale Covid-19 finansiële hulp opsies vir kleinbesighede, en presies hoe om daarvoor aansoek te doen. Divan gesels met Ryk van Niekerk, redakteur van Moneyweb, meer hieroor. UIF payments, Solidarity fund, Oppenheimer donation or the Rupert-fund? – WINSLYN | 7 APR 2020 | kykNET There is confusion over the various special Covid-19 financial aid options available for small businesses, and exactly how to apply for it. Divan speaks to Ryk van Niekerk, editor of Moneyweb, more about this.