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26 Mei

PRONTUIT – TERUG SKOOL TOE? – SEG 1 – 25 MEI 2020 Wat is die risiko’s verbonde daaraan om terug te gaan skool toe? Wat is die risiko’s as kinders nié binnekort terug gaan skool toe nie? Kenners meen dit kan tot twee jaar neem voor ‘n entstof teen Covid-19 ontwikkel word. Skole kan tog nie so lank toe bly nie? Of is dit ‘n moontlikheid? Kabous gesels met drie kenners hieroor, maar eers kyk ons na ‘n kort insetsel waar professor Alex Broadbent, ‘n spesialis in die filosofie van wetenskap aan die Universiteit van Johannesburg, sy mening gee. Daarna sluit professor Mary Metcalfe, ‘n voormalige LUR vir onderwys vir Gauteng, via Skype by my aan What are the risks involved in allowing children to return to school? What are the risks if children don’t return to school? Some experts have suggested that it might take two years for a COVID-19 vaccine to be developed. Schools however cannot remain closed for that long? Or is it a possibility? Kabous chats with three experts about the above, but first let’s have a look at a short insert in which professor Alex Broadbent a specialist in the philosophy of science at the University of Johannesburg shares his opinion on the matter. Professor Mary Metcalfe, former MEC of education in Gauteng and education expert then joins us via Skype.