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Kleinsakeondernemings en Tushiyah, Marisa Truter vertel – WINSLYN

20 Maart

Kleinsakeondernemings en Tushiyah, Marisa Truter vertel – WINSLYN | 19 MAR 2019 | kykNET Die belangrikheid van ń gesonde ekonomie in klein dorpies is iets waaroor die vennote by Tushiyah, passievol is. Marisa Truter vertel meer oor hierdie organisasie, en hoe hulle dit regkry om kleinsakeondernemings en groot maatskappye gunstig te verbind. Small businesses and Tushiyah, Marisa Truter tells more – WINSLYN | 19 MAR 2019 | kykNET The importance of a heathy economy in small towns, is something that the partners at Tushiyah is passionate about. Marisa Truter tells more about this organisation and how they get it right to connect small businesses and big corporates in a way which adds value for both.