Movies to watch on DStv, 10-16 September

Monster movie week on DStv, 10-16 September

Highlights 09 September 2021

From Run Hide Fight, to The Head Hunter, to The Wrong Real Estate Agent, it’s a monster movie week on DStv

Monster movie week on DStv, 10-16 September

Whether man is the monster or it’s a giant super croc on the prowl, this week’s movies on DStv come with a danger warning!

M-Net (DStv channel 101) Sunday night movie Run Hide Fight centres on a school shooting and an unlikely heroine who stands up against the attackers.

Actress Vivica A. Fox is back with more of her “Wrong” movies on Lifetime (DStv channel 131) – look out for her starring role in The Wrong Real Estate Agent.

There’s all-out action on KIX (DStv channel 114) with Operation Bangkok, and The Head Hunter on Studio Universal (DStv channel 112) takes us monster hunting.

Lastly, things get scary in Lake Placid: Legacy when explorers come across a deadly predator hell bent on killing anything in its way…

Get cosy on the sofa! And for more snack-sized info on DStv’s biggest shows, check out #OhSnack on the DStv YouTube Channel.

Movie madness!

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