Benefits of streaming
All your favourite shows, movies and sports everywhere anytime on your iOS device, Android, Apple TV or Smart TV with just internet connection. Never miss a moment with the download and watch later option.
No decoder or satellite dish required, just an internet connection.
Stream concurrently on any compatible smart devices, with a second mobile-only stream.
Download your favourite shows on the DStv App to watch offline.
Stream in just 4 easy steps
It's simpler than you think with more perks than you can imagine
Customers can take a streaming-only subscription for DStv Premium, Compact Plus, Compact, Confam, and Yanga.
1.Select your package
2.Create your login details
3.Setup your payment
4.Start Streaming
Stream in just 4 easy steps
It's simpler than you think with more perks than you can imagine
Customers can take a streaming-only subscription for DStv Premium, Compact Plus, Compact, Confam, and Yanga.
1.Select your package
2.Create your login details
3.Setup your payment
4.Start Streaming