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Journey behind the music with Darkie Fiction

26 June 2024
Darkie Fictions carves a new path with their latest single, 'Belinda'.
Darkie Fiction

Darkie Fiction is known for their unique blend of kwaito, pop, and nostalgic influences, takes a bold step forward with their latest release, "Belinda". This new single marks a significant evolution in their sound and storytelling, showcasing a more experimental approach while staying true to their identity. Ahead of their new release, we had a sit down to explore the journey behind 'Belinda".

Evolution of Sound and Storytelling

In discussing their approach to "Belinda", Darkie Fiction shares, "Our sonic direction continues to be experimental and grows as we do. We are blessed to find people who align with that vision, like our producer Novex, who also worked on our hit single 'Free'. We feel we can now merge all our influences into something uniquely 'Darkie Fiction'."

Belinda: The Character and Story

"Belinda" isn't just a song; she's a character who embodies acceptance and transformation. According to the duo, "Belinda is the person who comes into your life and changes it, the one you can't imagine living without."

Inspiration Behind the Song

The inspiration for "Belinda" came unexpectedly from a personal anecdote. Katt's sister's nickname, Bellz, sparked the idea, as Yoza playfully teased her with the name. This simple interaction blossomed into a love-infused anthem that captures both warmth and joy.

Creative Process and Inspirations

Their creative process is deeply personal and collaborative. They explain, "Our music reflects our personal journeys. Yoza had the initial concept, and Katt's verse completed the narrative. It's a synergy that defines our storytelling."

Collaboration with Umzulu Phaqa

Working with Umzulu Phaqa on "Belinda" was serendipitous. Darkie Fiction wanted to explore featuring other artists and found a perfect fit in Umzulu. Her effortless talent and immediate connection to the song reinforced their belief that the collaboration was meant to be.

Reflecting South African Culture

Their music and visuals are a tribute to South Africa's diverse culture and evolving landscape. "It's essential for us to weave South African storytelling into our music," they affirm, emphasizing their journey's foundation in celebrating their heritage.

Journey through Music and Storytelling

From their earlier tracks like "Selula" and "My Ntliziyo" to the present, Darkie Fiction's journey is guided by a deep spiritual conviction. They attribute their growth to divine inspiration and a commitment to honoring their purpose through music. Challenges and Support in the Industry Navigating the South African creative landscape comes with its challenges. Darkie Fiction acknowledges the support from social media while highlighting the difficulty in gaining radio and TV exposure due to their classification as "alternative."

Message Behind "Belinda"

With "Belinda", Darkie Fiction hopes to captivate both existing and new listeners, inviting them to explore their diverse discography and connect with their infectious energy and sound.

Future Plans: EP or Album?

Anticipate their debut album as their next major project. While they've been conceptualizing for years, Darkie Fiction believes in letting creativity unfold naturally, promising more hits and a journey filled with musical exploration and joy.

Darkie Fiction's "Belinda" not only showcases their musical evolution but also reaffirms their commitment to storytelling that resonates with authenticity and cultural pride. As they continue to carve their path in the vibrant South African music scene, their journey promises to be as dynamic as their captivating sound.

Groove to “Belinda” on all digital streaming platforms, and keep an eye on their next moves on Channel O.


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