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Day 39: Dark clouds are gathering – BBTitans

23 February 2023
We’re about halfway through the competition, and pressure is starting to build.
An image of darks clouds in a stormy sky.

As dawn breaks on Day 39 in the house, the housemates have begun the second half of the game. Not that you would guess it by looking at the numbers: of the 24 total housemates, 16 are still left. What’s more, this is a non-voting week, so that number isn’t going to decrease any time soon, although the housemates will only find that out on Sunday night.

All of this should fill them with dread.

Why? Because the next few weeks are going to be characterised by massive cuts. The housemates – and viewers – should expect to see multiple evictions on Sundays, so being nominated now comes with much higher risk than it has so far. In their diary sessions, housemates have been very devil-may-care when it comes to being nominated, believing that it’s just one of those things that’s bound to happen. While that is true, we’re sure they’re going to change their tune as the reality of four, possibly even six, people leave the house at a time.

What’s more is the fact that tensions are starting to grow horns. Yemi and Khosi are still together, but only the most deluded of viewers would assume that things will stay this way no matter what. Their relationship has been rocky to say the least, and the constant table-shaking during live eviction shows has not made it any less so. Yemi distrusts Thabang, perhaps with good reason since Khosi isn’t behaving in a way that would put to rest such insecurities.

On top of that, Miracle OP has made no secret about his less-than-stellar feelings for Yemi. This came to a head just a few days ago, although it was couched in terms of not completing chores, not respecting the Head of House, and the like. Call us crazy, but we think that argument was little more than a proxy battle in a much larger war.

Last night, the housemates were pitted against each other in a task sponsored by Bamboo. While the four teams each consisted of two pairs, it was an occasion where the name of the game was “us versus them” rather than the teamwork that accompanies the wager task. This is sure to become the prevailing attitude as we head toward the endgame. The fact that last night's task was won by Royals and Khosicle is only likely to fuel Miracle OP's certainty that he has a certain measure of security. A challenge might be on its way.

While nothing is going to take away from the tension in the long term, the short-term mood will depend on the outcome of today’s wager task presentation. The housemates have bet 75% of their BB Tokens on the outcome – not an insignificant amount. Failure is likely to lead to blame and arguments, while success should delay catastrophe a little bit.

But only a little bit. We realise that predictions are risky, but here’s a forecast: a storm is brewing.

For more info on the show, follow the Big Brother Titans social media pages on TwitterInstagramFacebook, and TikTok. Use the hashtag #BBTitans. Watch the show 24/7 on DStv 198 and GOtv 29, 129, and 329. The show is proudly brought to you by Bamboo, LottoStar and Flutterwave.

Featured image by Eberhard Grossgasteiger via Pexels