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Day 52: Ipeleng's leadership style gets applauded – BBTitans

08 March 2023
According to the housemates, she is fit for the throne and embodies the Head of House title.
A female Big Brother Titans housemate smiling in the diary room

Following Ipeleng's Supreme Veto Power Gameplay win, the Big Brother Titans housemates had diary sessions with Biggie today to discuss evictions, preparations for their wager task presentation, Monday's twist, Ipeleng being the Supreme Veto Power holder, and her reign as Head of House. Here's what they had to say about the first finalist: 

Although Tsatsii wanted to win the Supreme Veto Power Gameplay, she is thrilled a girl won. Additionally, she thinks Ipeleng is competitive, firm, amazing, and has good leadership skills, especially since this is her second time being the HoH.

Ipeleng's win did not surprise Khosi, because she thinks Ipeleng works hard. When asked to rate the HoH's leadership style, Khosi gave her a solid ten because she leads by example and ensures everyone does what they need to do. She also added that being the Supreme Veto Power holder works in Ipeleng's favour as the housemates want to be top of mind come Sunday when she opens her second reward. 

While Olivia's eviction still shakes Nana, she thinks Ipeleng's played the game well and wisely used her tactics. She added that Ipeleng excels at pushing the housemates and directing their wager task practice.

Blue Aiva
Like Khosi, Blue Aiva shared that Ipeleng deserved her win; she likes Ipeleng and sees her as a competitive sweetheart who works hard and tries to get along with everybody. 

In Yvonne's words, the Supreme Veto Power Gameplay was a "rollercoaster"; she didn't see it coming but is happy for Ipeleng, who she sees as a soft, sweet leader who carries everybody along with her.

Although the housemates have a lot of faith in Ipeleng to help them secure this week's 100% wager, Ipeleng admitted to feeling stressed in her diary session, as this is her first time having to lead on her own. 

Could she just be anxious, or will she score another wager win as she did with Blaqboi

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