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‘Love and kindness are never wasted.’ – BBTitans

25 February 2023
Before entering the house, the Big Brother Titans housemates answered our questions about the kindest things people have ever done for them.
A photo of the text, "be kind" with a few flowers in the frame.

As the games begins to heat up, we thought we’d bring down the temperature with a look at some of the nicest things the housemates have experienced – as related by them.

Everyone knows the stress of a financial pinch – those times when your arms get shorter while your pockets get deeper, and scrounging out enough change for a bite to eat or a trip to work becomes a real challenge. It’s not surprising, then, that a lot of the housemates remember when people helped them out of a bind with the simple application of money.

Justin, for example, remembers the friend who gave him money “without expecting anything in return.” Similarly, Blaqboi recalls a friend who, having been told that “he was having a rough day”, sent him some money to help out. Maybe less urgent, but no less appreciated, Olivia’s best friend once forked over money to pay for her vacation. Best friends – gotta love ‘em.

There are some kinds of financial assistance that go a very long way. Yemi Cregx knows all about this because somebody “paid for [his] school fees in the university.” The apple of his eye, Khosi, has a similar story. “For my 21st birthday, my ex paid my tuition fees, and I cried like a baby.” So would we, frankly.

Having a place to stay is going to be fairly fundamental in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, so having someone step in and give you a place to lay your head is always going to be super-appreciated. Both Juicy Jay and Ebubu know the feeling, as the former once had someone “offer me a place to sleep when I didn’t have a plan”, while Ebubu’s friend let him stay as his place “for over a year without paying the bills.”

Once again, friends come through with a solution.

Friends don’t have to break out the big gestures to be appreciated, though. Ipeleng remember how hers took her out on her birthday, while Yvonne appreciates the one who came to visit while she was ill, washing her clothes in the process. Kanaga Jnr has fond memories of a friend who, without asking, got him exactly the gift he needed.

Moving a little closer to home, a few of the housemates have appreciation for their families, and the little things that matter so much. Tsatsii remembers “my dad buying me flowers; it’s always a nice gesture.” Miracle OP was blown away when his brother bought him a gold bracelet, but Blue Aiva had a lot to say about her mother, “… supporting me since the beginning”, which “means a lot, because not many parents understand the type of work I do.”

It’s not always our friends and family that come through in our time of need. Nelisa remembers that, once, “a homeless person stopped my bus from leaving one day so he could give me a Grandpa [headache medication].” Apparently, the man “apologised for taking so long, because they wouldn’t let him in the 7/11.”

It’s worth remembering the value of the kindness of strangers.

Nana is grateful not for what somebody did for her in the past that made life easier, but for what someone has done that could make her future so much brighter.

“The kindest thing anyone has done for me is telling me about Big Brother Titans.” Let’s hope it works out.

(Main image credit: Vie Studio via Pexels.)

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