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Inside Out


Murder on the Lartey express – Inside Out

02 May 2021
The ‘M’ in Maafio surely must stand for murderer, but how possible is it that she was able to strike her victims without getting a visit from the cold hands of justice and karma for a long time?
Image from iOS (24) (3)

Episode after episode, we saw Maafio transform into a more manipulative and obsessive woman, which not only scared her victims, but also her husband, Sam Lartey. Don’t get us wrong, Maafio wasn’t always like this and when she was not busy plotting evil or committing murder, she was a strong, supportive wife and overly loving mother to Clinton.

The scorpion that was Maafio

If walls could speak, the Lartey’s house would be crying blood by now. From the first episode, Maafio turned her marital home into her slaughterhouse and in her usual way, found a way to clean up her mess, spot-free. In the first episode, the house witnessed the murder of KorKor, who was originally Sam’s housewife until Maafio found her way into the home. KorKor confronted Maafio for marrying her husband and in return, Maafio pushed her down the stairs and she died instantly.

Here’s how that went down:

Remember what we said about the M in Maafio standing for murderer?

One person witnessed KorKor’s murder, her nurse, Comfort. As expected, Maafio blamed Comfort for the murder and this sent her to jail. To cover up her tracks, you can already guess what Maafio did. She committed another murder when she killed Comfort.

Watch this:

Almost as if she found this to be a thrilling game for her, Maafio didn’t stop until she killed another witness that would have exposed her evil ways. Yaa was a maid at the Lartey household who had an affair with Sam and held the evidence needed to put Maafio away for life. Maafio found out what she was capable of and ordered Sam to kill her immediately. But Sam couldn’t kill his lover and for this reason had sent her far away from Maafio’s reach. Until one day Yaa came back to warn Sam that Soraya had found out the truth about her mother’s murder and was going to expose the Lartey’s. Maafio killed Yaa on the spot and drowned her in the pool – again at the house and we can’t help but wonder why it seemed to be her favourite murder scene.

Maafio’s ping-pong game of murder came to an end when Soraya was finally able to strike back and avenge her mother’s murder. However, we can’t help but ask, what’s next for Soraya? Has justice truly been served or is this just the beginning of her mission?

Image from iOS (24)
Inside Out: Soraya

What next for Soraya?

The Lartey's are coming back for her100%
She's deep down in the world of the elites0%
She'll go back for her NYSC0%

Stay tuned to #AkwaabaMagic every Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:00pm on DStv CH 150 to find out.