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High Currency


Hottest picks on Akwaaba Magic this September

30 September 2022
The big, the small, and the pregnancy news, of course.
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From multiple episodes on Dede revealing the shocking baby on board to Alhassan’s newly found fame on RSM to Naa Sika realising love is such a High Currency and the drama from the usual culprits of Tanko Villa, here’s a list of nail-biting moments we couldn’t stop talking about all month.

Dede is having a baby!

In case you missed it, Michael and Dede’s affair before George came into the picture has led to a bun in Dede’s oven. While the #MiDe shippers are excited that this means there is a tiny hope these two will end up together, #PaDe shippers are having a hard time understanding why Patrick would agree to take up the role of Dede’s baby daddy. What does this mean for poor Mansa? She’s doing everything possible to make sure she gives Michael a child, even if it means bringing the sneaky Yolanda into her home for a smooth surrogacy plan.

Here's all the drama you missed this month on Dede.

“Al-mighty” Alhassan

We act like we’re okay, but deep down, we want Alhassan to release this song ASAP. “Baby girl I say what’s up, you dey burst my mind o”. Our beloved lance corporal has made a name for himself in recent episodes of RSM. All hail Al-mighty, the newest kid on the block riding the music waves in Ghana.

Get familiar with his sound.

Now, let’s pass the phone to the lady who went from doing whatever it took to please her clients in bed, to falling in love with a man she’s scared of being in a relationship with. That’s right, Naa Sika is in love; and while it’s exciting to see this side of her, it’s sad to see that she can’t be with Bediako, Tracie’s son. Naa’s boss Tracie clearly doesn’t want this ship to sail and now, Bediako seems to have moved on with the new lady Naa set him up with while they were on a date. How awkward!

Is love truly the highest currency?

Drawing the curtain on Sankofa

After three successful and emotion-filled seasons, Sankofa ended with an episode that cleared all doubts about the couples featured on the show being fake. We got the amazing host Michael Katahena to answer your most asked questions about your favourite love show, while he gave a rundown of the seasons so far.

Watch here:

Look out for more drama to come from your favourite shows and returning seasons on Akwaaba Magic in October. Are you ready?